1Jomar Paggao Cristobal, 2Princess Galapon Bareng,3Genoveva Real Velasco,4Oliva Del Rosario Quijano.
1,2,3,4Isabela state university
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
Resin tile is an economic tiling solution that’s perfect for DIY installations, with attractive patterns, affordable, eco-friendly and designs easily to restyle your walls. This study aimed to develop and determine the acceptability of decorative resin wall tiles with various natural fibers that can be used in by every homeowner. The develop decorative resin wall tiles with various natural fibers was evaluated in terms of appearance, texture, durability by Tile Experts of Floor Center Ilagan City, Isabela. The finished product can be used as handicraft, wall decorations and for interior design purposes. The developmental study was used in determining the level of acceptability of decorative resin tiles with various natural fibers in terms of appearance, texture, and durability. The study used five-point Likert Scale to determine the descriptive rating of the indicators used; the Weighted Mean (WM) to interpret the equivalent meaning of the data gathered. Two set of molder were placed with the composites were measuring-mixing method followed by molding: For T1 contains banana and coconut fiber and T2 contains bamboo and palm fiber their design was a basket weave. Next was applying the Epoxy Resins to the finished with a ratio of 3:100 or 1% to 3% (max) by volume to cure the epoxy resin. Next was removing the decorative tile from molder and trim the edges and corners of the decorative tile and refined. The findings of the study indicated Highly Acceptable in terms of appearance with a total weighted mean of 4.5, moderately acceptable in terms of texture with a total weighted mean of 4.10, Highly Acceptable in terms of durability with a total weighted mean of 4.26 and for the general mean moderately acceptable with a total weighted mean of 4.36. The testing results for the developed product were good because the researchers found that the appearance and texture of their finished product did not change when it was soak in water and applied with a hot object and not easily break when it drop to floor.
KEYWORDS:resin; fiber; decorative tile; basket weave; epoxy resin
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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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