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Improving Student Discipline through the Practice of Appreciating Time Hadith
1Tasbih,2Saidah A. Hafid,3Syamsuddin AB
1Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Indonesia
2Parahikma Institute Indonesia, Gowa, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
3Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-17

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This study aims to examine the increase in student discipline through the practice of understanding and practicing the hadith about respecting time. The research was conducted at the DDI al-Abrar Islamic Boarding School, Makassar as the research location. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the research show that the application of Islamic values in the hadith about respecting time is carried out through six strategies. The six strategies have a significant role in increasing student discipline. Students who understand and apply the hadith become more disciplined in carrying out their obligations effectively and efficiently. The implication of this research is that the practice of understanding hadith about respecting time can be an effective solution in increasing student discipline. Methodologically, the strategies found can be tested on a larger and more diverse population of students. Can also combine the strategies found with other learning programs to obtain more optimal results. In addition, you can look for other additional strategies that can help improve the discipline of students.


Improving, Discipline, Hadith, Appreciating Time



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