1Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu, 2Dr. Doan Thanh Thuy
1,2University of Labor and Social Affairs, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i11-32Google Scholar Download Pdf
With the strong development of modern science and technology, human life has changed markedly. It not only brings breakthroughs in technological equipment but also creates many opportunities to develop the digital economy, digital society, digital culture, smart manufacturing and services; All types of economy, industry, agriculture, culture, tourism, services, finance, banking, logistics, robotics... are intelligentized. On the digital technology platform, social networking sites are increasingly developing and expanding with many features to meet people's needs. Connecting to the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing... the achievements of the 4.0 technology revolution help people access the massive amount of information of all humanity. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok,...) has become a new cultural phenomenon; becoming a place where diverse and rich information and cultural activities take place, containing many values and anti-values, spreading cultural soft power and limiting and destroying national cultural soft power …. Therefore, promoting the role of students in building a "new lifestyle" according to Ho Chi Minh's ideology in cyberspace is currently considered a top important task.
KEYWORDS:promote; role; new lifestyle, construction; student; social network; Ho Chi Minh Thought
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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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