1Sobirjon Razzakov Jurayevich, 2Abdurasul Martazayev Shukirillayevich
1Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, 160103, Namangan, Uzbekistan
2 PhD student of department of civil engineering, Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, 160103, Namangan, Uzbekistan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i4-06Google Scholar Download Pdf
In the scientific research work, theoretical research work on flexible fiber reinforced concrete beams made with the addition of basalt fibers was carried out.The results of theoretical studies show that the values of the ultimate bending moment in fiber reinforced concrete beams were found to be relatively higher than the values of the bending moment in ordinary beams.
Keywordsbasalt fiber, fiber reinforced concrete, beam, strength, rebar, deflection
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Volume 05 Issue 04 APRIL 2022

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