1Muhammad Aditya Rahman,2Panggung Sutapa
1,2Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-44Google Scholar Download Pdf
The aim of this research is to find out how Physical Education facilities and infrastructure are managed to improve the quality of Physical Education learning at SMPN Sambaliung District (Sambaliung Junior High School), Berau Regency. The learning process is influenced by the management of infrastructure, if the management of infrastructure is good it will make it easier to achieve a Physical Education goal. The research method used qualitative study with an observation and interview approach, using observation sheets in the form of observations as a data collection tool to record results and surveys at schools. The sample selection method used purposive sampling. The data analysis used descriptive data with statistics that was used to analyze data by describing or illustrating the data that had been collected as it was without intending to make general conclusions or generalizations. The results of this research indicate that the management of educational facilities and infrastructure is carried out quite well so that educational facilities and infrastructure can be utilized optimally and improve the quality of learning. Planning is conducted through a series of stages based on considerations of needs analysis, priority scale, fund allocation, and time. The process of procuring educational facilities and infrastructure is classified based on type, for example building procurement is done by constructing a new building and for furniture it is carried out by purchasing. Arrangement of educational facilities and infrastructure includes an inventory carried out by the administration department and then distributed to each department that needs it. After that, the use of infrastructure is regulated by a schedule that has been prepared by the management to avoid usage conflicts. Furthermore, the removal of facilities and infrastructure is carried out to avoid the accumulation of items that are no longer used by the school. The removal of facilities and infrastructure is carried out through a series of processes.
KEYWORDS:Management, Facilities and Infrastructure, Physical Education
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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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