1Bella Dwi Pratiwi, 2Gonda Yumitro
1,2International Relations, University of Muhammadiyah Malng, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-42Google Scholar Download Pdf
The challenges of the global energy crisis and the commitment to reduce carbon emissions support Indonesia and the United States in collaborating in the renewable energy sector. Implementing this bilateral cooperation requires the support of international development agencies with adequate technical and funding capacity. This study aims to analyze the strategic role of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in facilitating Indonesia-United States renewable energy transition cooperation for the 2019-20224 period, as well as to identify several factors that influence the effectiveness of foreign aid programs in supporting energy diplomacy. This article uses a qualitative descriptive method to analyze reference data from Scopus database journals and Harzing's Publish or Perish. Data analysis used Nvivo14 and VOSviewer to design findings across the collected references. This study found that USAID has contributed through two leading roles, namely as a facilitator of the development of a regulatory framework that produces supporting policies for the energy transition in five major industrial fields and as a coordinator of capacity-building programmes that can help the technical and managerial capabilities of stakeholders in the development of renewable energy projects, especially in Indonesia. Related to the various forms of programmes designed, it can be run significantly from several small and medium-scale renewable energy pilot programmes of 35% during the research period. There are 12 groups formed in cross-field technical working groups that are active in developing standards and guidelines for implementing the renewable energy transition.
KEYWORDS:Renewable Energy Transition, Regulatory Framework & Capacity Building, USAID
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