1Errol John V. Valdez, 2Hadjie P. Argel
1,2Mariano Marcos State University, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-41Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study used the descriptive design to determine the demographic profile, educational background, trainings, and advanced studies attended after college, and employment information, including their suggestion to improve the curriculum of the BSCM program of BSCM graduates from SY 2013-2014 to SY 2017-2018 as bases for developing an information database. The study found out that majority of the graduates of the BSCM program are females, single, and living in the municipalities. In terms of educational background, majority of the respondents were coming from Batch 2016 and followed by Batch 2017; received no honors; possessed skills in personal relations; and Civil Service professional exam passers. In addition, it was found out that the reasons for choosing BSCM as a course in college include the availability of course offering in chosen institution, prospect of immediate employment and prospect for career advancement. Majority of them did not attend training or higher education. Among those who attended trainings, professional development and promotion were the main reasons. Along employment information, all the respondents are employed and majority of them are in the private sector and gained employment locally. Most of the employed graduates have permanent/regular employment status and have rank or clerical positions. Majority of them are employed in whole and retail trading and non-food manufacturing businesses. Majority of the respondents receive salaries between Php5,001 and Php 15,000.00. The graduates indicated that salaries and benefits is the reason for accepting and staying in their jobs. Majority of them stayed in their employment for three to four years. They found their employment as a walk-in applicant, recommended by someone, and information from friend. Moreover, the graduates were able to find their employment from one to six months after graduation. The study also found out that majority of them stayed in their employment for one to six months before deciding to change their first job. Salaries and salaries were the main reason of changing their jobs. To improve the BSCM program, it was suggested that students should be involved in the managerial and operational aspects of the cooperatives during their OJT; provide more time to conduct for cooperative research; improve the Laboratory Cooperative; deployment of students in medium and large cooperatives during OJT; encourage to attend more capacity enhancement trainings and activities; include more units in accounting, cooperative banking, and finance. The study recommends that an orientation for graduating students should be held to inform them of the significance of the graduate tracer and to encourage them to take part in its conduct; the curriculum for the BS cooperative management program should be revised based on the suggestions of the respondents; strategies that will improve graduates' skills and knowledge to make them employable in cooperatives should be incorporated; the program outcomes should be reviewed and revised as needed to ensure that graduates are employable in cooperatives in the locality and other provinces; and the tracer study should be carried out from SY 2018-2019 to SY 2022-2023.
KEYWORDS:Graduate tracer, Bachelor of Science in Cooperative Management, Mariano Marcos State University, employment, curriculum
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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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