1Alfa, E. N., 2Saliu, O. J., 3Adejo, P.E.
1,2,3Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of Agriculture,Prince Abubakar Audu University, Anyigba.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-39Google Scholar Download Pdf
The accrued benefits of crude oil production in Nigeria does not thrive without its destructive effects on the entire ecosystem of Niger Delta, and particularly in Akwa Ibom State. Hence, this study assessed the attitudes and coping strategies of cassava farmers toward oil spillage in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling technique was adopted in selection of 240 registered farmers as respondents Primary data was obtained through interview scheduled and questionnaire administration. Data collected were analysed and hypothesis tested using descriptive statistics and Z- test respectively. The majority of the respondents adopted backyard farming (95.83). The result also showed that some respondents also adopted greenhouse farming and off – farm activities or businesses (72.50% and 53.33%) respectively. The result of the respondents on the attitudes of cassava farmers toward coping strategies showed that respondents strongly agreed that backyard farming save cost and readily accessible with ( mean score = 4. 41). The respondents further agreed to the fact that mixed cropping increases the output of many arable crops per season (mean score = 4.03). The Z- test calculated of (186.46 and 77.37 with Z-value of 2.39) respectively showed a significant difference in the output of cassava produced in the study area with non- oil spilled communities recorded higher output. Based on the above findings, the study recommends that: Cassava farmers are to engage in multiple cropping, early maturing crops, green house and intensive farming to supplement the output of cassava. Other farming systems such as sack crop production, intensive greenhouse farming, backyard farming and livestock production should be encouraged.
KEYWORDS:Attitudes, Coping Strategies, Cassava Farmers, Oil Spillage and Output
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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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