• editor@ijmra.in
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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

Nutritive Approach: A Natural Gold Treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
1Dhanashree S Dorge, 2Siya S Veer, 3Laxman R Bandgar, 4Madhuri S Nalawade, 5Kumudini R Pawar
1,2,3Students Abhinav Education Society’s College of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), NArhe, Pune-41
4,5Associate Professor Abhinav Education Society’s College of Pharmacy (Narhe) Pune-41
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i02-38

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A nutritive strategy aimed at preventing, slowing, or halting the pathogenesis of disease represents a hopeful avenue that has garnered extensive research attention. A significant body of epidemiological evidence indicates that dietetic intake may play a pivotal part in the beginning and advancement of Alzheimer Disease or Alzheimer Dementia (AD). Modifiable environmental factors contributing to AD include potential metabolic disturbances arising from dietetic deficiencies or excesses, which may be addressed through nutritive subjoining or dietetic adjustments. Numerous nutritive subjoining encompass a variety of fitness advancing components, such as free-radical scavengers, vitamins, trace minerals, carbohydrates, and lipids, which may possess unique MOA that influence cytological well-being and rebirth, declining or especially target infectious routes involved in the progression of AD. The implementation of nutritive modifications is advantageous due to their cost-effectiveness, ease of application, social acceptability, and general safety, with minimal adverse effects in most instances. A wide range of nutritive interferences has been explored and continues assessed in the quest to identify effective additives, combinations of additives, or dietetic changes that can aid in the precaution and therapy of AD. This evaluation emphasizes some important nutritive complexes and dietetic transformations that have been examined in human populations, while also discussing the rationale for their potential benefits in the prohibition and management of AD.


Alzheimer Dementia (AD), Nutrition, Dietary supplements, Omega 3 fatty acids, Proteins.

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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