1Rose Mae Joy P. Llamas, 2Richard M. Oco
1,2Department of Education, Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i01-49Google Scholar Download Pdf
Nutrition is a fundamental pillar of human life, health, and development across the entire lifespan. This study was undertaken to identify the nutritional status of the pupils and their academic performance; to determine the level of pupils’ nutritional status and academic performance before and after the implementation of SBFP; find the significant difference on pupils’ nutritional status and academic performance before and after the implementation of SBFP. The study was conducted at Villanueva South District, Division of Misamis Oriental with one hundred nineteen (119) pupils/SBFP beneficiaries as actual respondents. The study employed a descriptive correlational research design with documentary analysis, which included a quantitative approach in collecting numerical data through a questionnaire. It also used frequency and percentage distribution, Mean and Standard Deviation and t-test. Results show that after the conduct of School Based Feeding Program (SBFP) the pupils’ nutritional status reached at normal level while their academic performance reached at Very Satisfactory level. Significant difference was registered between before and after SBFP implementation data on nutritional status and academic performance. The study recommends that schools and the community may collaborate in providing training, awareness, and seminars that will enhance teachers’ capacity and capability in implementing SBFP as well as on recording and monitoring data on nutritional status and academic performance.
KEYWORDS:academic performance, feeding program, nutritional status
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Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025

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