1Putri Ayu Sutrisno, 2Feri Satria Wicaksana Effendy, 3Umaira Hayuning Anggayasti
1,2,3Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i01-44Google Scholar Download Pdf
The thrifting business is recently popular in Indonesia. Because of the profits that they can achieve from selling second-hand goods reach up to tens millions Rupiah. Some people consider thrifting as an effort to preserve the environment and extend the valuable life of an object. On the other hand, these used goods have the risk of carrying pathogenic bacteria that may transmit various diseases, which can exacerbate the post-pandemic period while it has not fully recovered yet. In actuality, some second-hand goods have been outlawed for decades. However, the smuggling of these goods has resulted in disadvantages for the State of Indonesia and violations of applicable laws and regulations. In addition, the rise of the thrifting business has reduced the absorption of domestically-made clothing production and had several other negative impacts. Therefore, the authors are interested in researching the regulations governing thrifting businesses and its on sustainable business and the environment. This research was conducted using a normative juridical approach. The results of the research indicate that laws and regulations related to the thrifting business need to be monitored to ensure they can effectively implement these regulations and cultivate a healthy and sustainable economic, and it also can provide solutions to problems related to thrifting
KEYWORDS:Thrifting Business, Legal Solution, MSMEs, Sustainable Environment
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