Mabilbila Integrated School, Ilocos Sur
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Transformational leadership aims to bring about organizational change by responding to a quickly changing environment (Serin & Akkaya, 2020). This descriptive-correlational study investigated the relationship between the extent of transformational leadership skills and the level of organizational effectiveness among selected head teachers of SDO-Ilocos Sur. The study used a questionnaire developed by the researcher to gather data based on the study of Ragaisis (2018). The study employed purposive sampling with the following inclusion criteria: (1) head teacher of the SDO- Ilocos Sur, (2) at least five years of administrative experience, (3) male or female, (4) at least 30 years old, (5) living in Ilocos Sur, and (6) signed the informed consent. The study discovered the following: the respondents are mostly middle-aged, female, married, with master’s degrees, have more than a decade of administrative experience, mostly head teacher III, and bring home almost 30,000 pesos monthly salary; respondents always used transformational leadership skills in their assigned public school; most of the respondents obtained a rating of outstanding for the school year 2020-2021; sex of the respondents is significantly related to the extent of transformational leadership skills; monthly income is significantly related to the extent of transformational skills among head teachers; and there is a significant relationship between the extent of transformational leadership skills and the level of organizational effectiveness of the respondents. The study recommends that head teachers must pursue higher education, conduct research, publish articles, engage in innovations, and participate in seminars, trainings, and workshops to improve their experience.
KEYWORDS:Transformation Leadership Skills, Organizational Effectiveness, Descriptive - Correlational Research
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Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025

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