1Abdulridha T Sarhan, 2Hawraa S Abd, 3Fatima R Sabih, 4Baraa J Abbas, 5Zahraa Y Jasim
1,2,3,4,5University of Hilla, College of Dentistry, Babylon, Iraq
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i01-34Google Scholar Download Pdf
After periodontal diseases and dental caries, oral halitosis, or foul breath, is the third most common reason people visit a dentist. It is an annoying or disagreeable odor that emanates from the oral cavity to others and has grown to be a serious health problem among the general public. The fact that halitosis instances have occurred often in Iraq, their causes has never established. Anaerobic sulfur-producing bacteria often reside on the tongue or throat's surfaces and causing oral malodor. These bacteria produce a variety of malodorous molecular species, including volatile sulfur compounds, the majority of which have unpleasant oral odor at some point. Many people in the industrialized world believe they have periods of bad breath. The purpose of this study (as a graduation project) is to determine the prevalence of halitosis in Babylon province / Iraq and to examine the relationship between halitosis and sociodemographic factors, oral habits, and health practices among patients attending the dental clinics / College of dentistry, University of Hilla, Babylon, Iraq.
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Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025

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