1Dr. K. Sudarshan, 2Prof. B. Srinagesh
1Part time lecturer, Department of Geography, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
2Professor, Department of Geography, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i01-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
Geo-sites are places in nature that are more obviously noticeable. Sites classified as geoheritage are those that are more vulnerable to the history of a particular region or place. Geo-heritage sites combine geological, historical, cultural, and educational elements. To ensure that a region or culture survives, these important sites need to be recognized and preserved for next generations. Telangana has been controlled by several dynasties, and the region is home to several geo-heritage monuments, including Golkonda Fort and others in and around Hyderabad, which are encircled by ancient and geological structures. Each of these cultural sites, which are dispersed around Hyderabad, has a unique historical value. Finding geo-heritage locations and assessing their historical significance is the primary objective of the paper. Having been abandoned, these locations are unable to enlighten tourists about the region's past. About the locations that exist in these places, there is no information or museum. These objectives guide the conduct of the investigation, and the present paper presents the proper metrics and findings.
KEYWORDS:Geo sites, Geo heritage, Golkonda fort, Future generation.
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