1Javad Shahreki, 2Anahita Ghanad, 3Dalwinder Kaur, 4Rana Altounjy, 5Mohammed Sani Abdullahi
1Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies, Management and Science University, MALAYSIA
2School of Education and Social Sciences,Veritas University College, MALAYSIA
3School of Education, Manipal GlobalNxt University, MALAYSIA
4School of Business, Manipal GlobalNxt University, MALAYSIA
5Department of Management and Marketing, King Fahd, University of Petroleum and Minerals, SAUDI ARABIA
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i01-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
The current study aims to evaluate the influence of utilizing Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) in the human resource (HR) departments on the innovation capacity of employees who are working in Malaysian companies. The research model and related hypotheses were examined on over 186 HR employees in Malaysian companies. The findings of this study have been assessed through Smart PLS software, which revealed that utilizing HRIS has a significant impact on the HR innovation capacity. Besides, Malaysian HR employees have shown that there is a positive correlation between implementing HRIS and employee innovation capacity, which can be moderated by affective commitment. Effectively speaking, the HRIS is more noteworthy and has a significant impact on HR employees’ innovation while they engage more with the organization. This study tries to introduce factors that are effective to enhance employees’ innovation.
KEYWORDS:HRIS implementation; human resource management; commitment; innovation
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