1Mahmoud A. Aloriby, 2Mohamed K A Elkawafi, 3Yousef S.Z. Salem, 4Amna El-Gehani, 5Munthir A. Alaribi
1Department of Pathology, Medical center, Libyan International Medical University, Benghazi, Libya
2Basic medical sciences program, Faculty of medical and health sciences, Libyan International Medical University
3Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya
4Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Al-jalaa Hospital, Benghazi, Libya
5Program of dentistry, Faculty of medical and health sciences, Libyan International Medical University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i01-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
Osteomas are benign osteogenic tumors composed of mature bone tissue, often asymptomatic and diagnosed incidentally during imaging for unrelated conditions. Histological evaluation is essential for accurate diagnosis, with decalcification being a critical step in processing calcified bone tissue for microscopic analysis. This case report presents the challenges encountered in decalcifying a mandibular osteoma from a 21-year-old female patient. The patient exhibited localized pain and swelling, and imaging revealed a well-defined exophytic bony lesion on the left mandible. Initial decalcification attempts using formic acid, hydrochloric acid (HCl), and trichloroacetic acid were ineffective in adequately softening the specimen. The decalcification process was subsequently optimized using Von Ebner’s fluid, which successfully softened the osteoma and preserved its histological integrity. Microscopic examination revealed trabeculae of mature lamellar bone surrounded by a vascular fibrous stroma, confirming a diagnosis of cancellous osteoma. This case represents the first documented application of Von Ebner’s fluid for decalcifying human mandibular osteoma, demonstrating its superior efficacy in preserving tissue structure while facilitating sectioning. These findings highlight Von Ebner’s fluid as a potentially valuable decalcifying agent for challenging bone specimens, with implications for improved histopathological analysis in osteoma diagnosis.
KEYWORDS:Osteoma, mandibular osteoma, decalcification, Von Ebner’s fluid, histopathology, case report, cancellous osteoma, bone tumor.
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Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025

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