1Rachma Sasti, 2Suyato
1,2Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v8-i01-14Google Scholar Download Pdf
This article discusses the basic values of Ki Hajar Dewantara's education which are integrated into citizenship education. Ki Hajar Dewantara believes that teaching is part of education by providing knowledge to students. Education is something that guides the growth of children. This research method is a qualitative approach with content analysis based on literature review. The results and discussion reveal that the basic values of Ki Hajar Dewantara's thoughts regarding education and teaching, make him aware that education and teaching are efforts to prepare students to be able to face various aspects of life well. Educators cannot change the basic nature of students but can guide them so that good qualities emerge and cover up bad ones. Apart from understanding the nature of students, educators need to understand students' moral skills. Citizenship education is a forum for forming students' character. Ki Hajar Dewantara stated that the character teaching given was not just a matter of theory, but was able to model good attitudes to students, as well as train them in actions that were worth emulating. So, it is important to integrate character values in the learning of Citizenship Education and other fields of study consistently.
KEYWORDS:Basics Value of Education, Ki Hajar Dewantara, Citizenship Education.
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