1Ma. Lourdes S. Sale, 2Erlinda A. Quirap
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-48Google Scholar Download Pdf
Teachers encourage and help students to fully acquire holistic abilities used for their lifelong journey toward excellence. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that affect teachers' work satisfaction and service execution. It aimed to answer the relationship between teachers’ work satisfaction and service execution among public school teachers. A descriptive correlational research design that included one hundred thirty-nine (139) public school teachers in the Balingasag, District, Division of Misamis Oriental, employing a universal purposive sampling. The study utilized adapted and modified instruments. The data was analyzed using statistical tools, including mean and standard deviation, and Pearson (r) correlation coefficients. The findings showed that there is a moderate positive correlation between teachers' work satisfaction and service execution levels. Teachers reported high work satisfaction due to supportive colleagues, positive leadership, conducive teaching conditions, and adequate compensation despite manageable workloads. High service execution among teachers is driven by the fulfillment of intrinsic needs related to existence, connectedness, and growth within their professional roles. Additionally, greater work satisfaction was found to correlate with improved service execution among teachers. It is recommended that the importance of promoting happy work environments and implementing initiatives to improve teachers' work satisfaction is emphasized, leading to improved educational outcomes.
KEYWORDS:Motivational Theory, Work Satisfaction, Teachers’ Service Execution
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