Zamela Mussa Kinyami
Field Student, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation P. O Box 1191, Dodoma, Tanzania.
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This study examines the factors influencing the adoption and usage of compressed natural gas (CNG) in vehicles, focusing on its potential as a cleaner burning hydrocarbon, and the challenges faced by vehicle owners in using CNG. A double hurdle model and descriptive statistics were applied to data collected from 100 randomly selected vehicle owners who visited three major petrol stations in Ilala district, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The findings reveal that higher education levels and younger vehicle age positively influence both the decision to adopt CNG and the intensity of its usage. Conversely, older vehicles and higher conversion costs hinder adoption. The study also identifies key challenges such as limited CNG infrastructure, high initial conversion costs, and safety concerns. The research underscores the need for targeted policies that enhance public awareness, expand refueling infrastructure, and provide financial incentives to facilitate the adoption of CNG in Tanzania’s transport sector. These measures could significantly contribute to the promotion of cleaner, more sustainable energy alternatives in the automotive industry.
KEYWORDS:Sustainable development, Energy, Clean Energy, Tanzania, Natural gas
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Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024

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