• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024

Development of Karate Martial Arts Material Heian Nidan Kata in Junior High School through Teacher Book Media and Android Applications
1Veggi Destasari, 2Erwin Setyo Kriswanto
1,2Master's Program in Physical Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-45

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This research aims to: 1) produce products in the form of books and android applications that contain the development of karate martial arts material heian nidan kata for junior high school level students. 2) As well as proving the feasibility of book products and andorid applications containing the development of karate martial arts material kata heian nidan in use as a learning medium. And 3) to prove the effectiveness of book products and andorid applications produced as the development of karate martial arts material heian nidan kata with the physical education learning process in junior high school. The development of karate martial arts material kata heian nidan is to describe 22 kata movements with a positional point of view which are then packaged in book media and android applications. This research is research and development or rnd using ADDIE development through 5 stages. The research stages include 1) The first stage of analysis, analysis is carried out on data from pre-research, namely distributing questionnaires to teachers and conducting field observations. 2) The second stage by designing or designing concepts and content to be presented in the product, 3) Development of product design realization activities that have previously been made. 4) Implementation of the application of the product obtaining feedback on the product developed through the validation process of material experts and media experts and 5) the last stage is evaluation by distributing the product to teachers in order to get feedback on the use of the product, so that revisions can be made with the results of the evaluation or the previous unmet needs of the development product. The research subjects in this study were physical education teachers. Research and product dissemination were conducted online through google form. Data were obtained through observation, documentation, questionnaires and interviews. Analysis of the data that has been obtained using quantitative descriptive techniques and qualitative data from the Likert scale conversion results. The results of the research are the development of karate martial arts material heian nidan kata in the form of book products and android applications. Book products in the form of modules or teacher handbooks and android-based karate applications that can be accessed by teachers and students. The assessment of the material expert on the development of the material carried out and the product is 89% reaching the very feasible category. Media experts on the feasibility of material development reached 80% with a very feasible category. Teacher handbook products and android-based karate applications are categorized as effective products because they are easy to understand, clear, interesting and easy to access with a percentage of effectiveness of 74% which is a product worth using with improvements according to suggestions. The development of heian nidan karate martial arts material in junior high school through book media and android applications is feasible to use in the learning process.


material development, Heian nidan, book media, android application

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Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024

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