Lailani A. Pascual
Ilcocos Sur Polytechnic State College-Tagudin Campus, Philippines
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
Teaching competence plays a vital role in the learning process. Teachers must possess high level of competence to ensure academic achievement. This study determined the teaching competence of 54 Mathematics Teachers in Unit III of Ilocos Sur Division during the School Year 2023-2024 as basis for an in-service training program. It answered the sub-problems: the profile of teachers in terms of age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, years in service, and number of related seminars in Mathematics for the last 3 years; the level of teaching competence of Mathematics teachers along dedication to teaching, knowledge of the subject matter, classroom organization and management, instructional organization, instructional implementation, and monitoring student progress and potential; the relationship between the profile of teachers and the level of teaching competence; crafting of in-service training program; and the level of acceptability of the training program. Descriptive-correlational and developmental research designs were used. Findings of the study showed that Mathematics teachers are very highly competent. Age and years of service has a positive significant relationship with the teachers’ competence level. An in-service training program was crafted to maintain and uplift the competence level of the teachers. The in-service training program was rated very highly acceptable. In conclusion, though teachers are very highly competent, there are still competences that need to be improved. Teachers should engage in continuous professional development to maintain their very high competence level and improve the weaker competences. Thus, teachers should be provided with enough opportunities to enhance their craft.
KEYWORDS:teaching competence, mathematics teachers, in-service training program, competence level, 21st century teachers
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Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024

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