1Jeusom Jerie C. Manuel, 2Francisco N. Divina
1Ecosystem Management Specialist, Community Environment and Natural Resources Office, Zone V. Quirino, Blvd., Bantay, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
2Campus Director, Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-42Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study assessed the profile of respondents, the level of implementation of water ecosystem services, and the relationships between these factors within the Bigbiga Protected Landscape (BPL). It also examined land cover changes from 2010 to 2024 and their correlation with water ecosystem services implementation. Additionally, the study aimed to identify problems in implementing water ecosystem services and propose policies to enhance these services. A descriptive correlational research design was employed, utilizing survey questionnaires to gather data on respondents' profiles and perceptions of water ecosystem services implementation. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to explore relationships between profile of respondents and water ecosystem services implementation. Remote sensing and GIS techniques facilitated the analysis of land cover changes, while a t-test evaluated the relationship between these changes and water ecosystem services implementation. The study found that the BPL community's diverse demographic profile reflects a strong connection to the environment. Notably, watershed protection, biodiversity conservation, flood control and disaster risk, community awareness and education, policy development and integrated resource management are strongly implemented. However, perceptions of service implementation varied significantly with age, length of residency, and household size. The land cover analysis revealed a substantial increase in open forest areas between 2010 and 2024, although these changes did not significantly affect the implementation of water ecosystem services. A key issue identified was the inadequacy of water quality and quantity management. To address these challenges, a comprehensive policy is proposed, focusing on improving water management through enhanced monitoring, public participation, enforcement of standards, and adaptive policy mechanisms. The study concludes that implementing customized educational programs, establishing a dedicated task force and local water management committees, and enhancing outreach efforts designed for different demographic groups are essential for the effective management of the BPL’s natural resources. Strengthening enforcement mechanisms, improving water system infrastructure, and promoting community involvement in forest protection and water management are recommended to ensure the sustainable use and conservation of water resources in the BPL.
KEYWORDS:Land cover, Water ecosystem services, Bigbiga Protected Landscape, biodiversity conservation, land cover changes, Water Management Policy
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