1Firmansyah Zaenuri, 2Sri Harti Widyastuti, 3Mulyana
1,2,3Java Language Education Study Program Graduate Program Faculty of Languages, Arts and Culture Yogyakarta State University Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No. 1, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
Discourse is a representation of the world. Through song lyrics, musicians can convey various forms of opinions, views, or criticisms about the realities of life. This is also the case with Daru Jaya Ndarboy Genk, whose song titled 'Indonesia Bakoh' is the subject of this research. The lyrics of this song contain criticism and social realities regarding the grievances of Indonesian society concerning employment issues. The aim of this study is to investigate the discourse in the lyrics of the song 'Indonesia Bakoh,' which features criticism and social reality. This research employs a discourse study method with a qualitative descriptive approach and a critical paradigm. The critical discourse analysis is conducted using Van Dijk's model. Data collection is performed using note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique in this study uses Van Dijk's discourse analysis model, which includes three main dimensions: text, social cognition, and context. The results indicate that, from the text dimension, including macro structure, superstructure, and micro structure, the social reality portrayed in 'Indonesia Bakoh' relates to social inequality. In the social cognition dimension, the song reveals social realities related to how one obtains employment. In the social context element, the musician's social critique addresses the reality that in Indonesia, there are practices of power within the government system that disadvantage the people.
KEYWORDS:Critical Discourse Analysis, Indonesia Bakoh, lyrics of the song, Ndarboy Genk, Teun A. van Dijk
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Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024

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