1Subagio Subagio, 2Sjamsiar Sjamsudin, 3Firda Hidayati, 4Wike Wike
1,2,3,4Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study conducts a nuanced examination of ethical challenges confronting Indonesia, centering on the Hambalang corruption case. Through an indepth analysis, the study scrutinizes the intricate ethical dimensions of the scandal and investigates its broader ramifications on anti-corruption measures and governance in the nation. The research aspires to offer nuanced insights into the complex interplay between ethics, governance, and corruption, aiming to contribute to the ongoing discourse on ethical governance and anti-corruption strategies in Indonesia.
KEYWORDS:Anti-Corruption Measures, Code of Ethics, Public Ethics, Governance, Integrity, Hambalang Corruption Case.
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