1Sidartha Adi Gautama, 2I Putu Gelgel, 3I Gusti Bagus Wirawan
1Buddhist Communication Studies, STIAB Jinarakkhita Lampung
2,3The Faculty of Religious Studies, Arts and Culture at the University of Hindu Indonesia offers a course in Religious and Cultural Studies.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-29Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research discusses the transformation of religious communication knowledge among Buddhist religious instructors in Bandar Lampung. This transformation is important because of the challenges faced by the counsellors in responding to the increasingly complex spiritual needs of the community. Against the backdrop of the socio-cultural and educational diversity of the congregation, this research explores how Buddhist religious counsellors adapt their communication methods and how this knowledge is developed and applied in the local context. Through a qualitative approach, the research reveals the dynamics of religious communication and its contribution to the spiritual development of Buddhists in the region.
KEYWORDS:Knowledge transformation, Religious communication, Buddhist counsellor
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Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024

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