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Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024

21st Century Learning Skills, Study Habits, and the Mathematics Performance of Grade 7 Students
Joy M. Corpuz
College of Graduate Studies, Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-26

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This study examined the study habits, 21st-century learning skills, and mathematics performance of 132 Grade 7 students at Santa Maria National High School in the 2021-2022 school year. It looked at the kids' characteristics, study habits, and 21st-century learning skills to see how they correlated with their arithmetic ability. The study used a descriptive approach with tailored questionnaires, with data evaluated using frequency count, percentage, mean, and Spearman rho. The results revealed that the majority of pupils were of the suitable age, primarily female, lived in rural areas, and had parents working in a variety of occupations. They spent 1-4 hours a day on devices, with smartphones and the Brainly app being the most popular, and books were preferred as educational tools. The survey discovered that pupils had "very good" study habits, "high" 21st-century learning skills, and a "very satisfactory" level of mathematics achievement. There were no significant relationships observed between students' profiles and their study habits or 21st-century learning skills. However, there was a substantial link found between study habits and 21st-century learning ability. Communication and creativity skills were also found to be highly connected to math achievement. The study suggests that mathematics teachers integrate various applications, create interactive materials, and use teaching approaches that promote 21st-century abilities such as communication, creativity, and critical thinking through active learning, project-based, and problem-based projects.


21st century skills, Mathematics performance, Learning skills, Study habits

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