Dr. Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos
Academic Scholar, Department of Regional and Economic Development Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-17Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper examines the case of organizing motor sports mega events, in the context of the statistical data on tourism, for the countries Singapore - Turkey - Malaysia and Korea in relation to Greece over a 25-year horizon. The selection of these countries was based on their special morphological and touristic characteristics and the fact that these countries, apart from Greece, have undertaken to hold such major motor sports events. The questions that arise from such a comparison and correlation are whether the organization of major motorsport events contributes to the development of tourism in the host country and if this is the case, what is the time horizon of their contribution and in what ways does it contribute to it concerning inbound tourist figures. The discussion of the above statistical data was based on the literature (Angus et al. 2007, Chartas, P., et al. 2010, Varvaressos, 2009, Fisher and Wakefield, 1998, Hunt and Bashaw, 1999, Mitoula, 2006, Weed and Bull, 1997, Gibson et al. 2003, etc.) and the processing of published statistical data, in order to draw conclusions about the contribution or not of motor sports to the annual tourist arrivals of each country. From the study, it appeared that the year countries organized motorsport events there was an increase in inbound tourism in a percentage of 22% on average, taking advantage of the motorsport event, mainly in terms of the country's international visibility and promotion, thus showing an increase in tourism in the years following the event as well. On the contrary, in Greece, despite having organized major sporting events (Olympic Games 2004), there is no statistical increase in tourist figures, except for the year 2013, which is also a research question. In conclusion, as can be seen from the available statistics, in addition to other methods for tourism development, the inclusion of motor sport events appears to contribute significantly to the increase in touristic arrivals. Concerning Greece in particular, the inclusion of such events in order to further stimulate country’s tourism, would be an important addition, especially if one considers the country's existing tourism industry and its geostrategic position.
KEYWORDS:Motorsport, tourist arrivals, tourism, Formula 1, sports tourism, statistical comparison, economic sustainability.
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