1Subhani, 2M. Nazaruddin, 3Ratri Chandrasari, 4Awaludin Arifin
1,2,3,4Social and Political Faculty, Universitas Malikussaleh
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
Understanding the different disputes that have occurred in the Aceh Tamiang oil palm plantation sector requires a communication strategy focused on teaching ideals that are in harmony with community social life. The study of plantation disputes in Aceh Tamiang demonstrates how the function of opinion leaders from formal actors as corporate spokespersons opens up communication channels that have previously been blocked. The community can express its desired ambitions to the firm through opinion leaders that the company has deployed. The business also takes formal village actors into account as opinion leaders in order to comprehend the needs and circumstances of its citizens. “Datok Penghulu”, the local chief, was officially selected by the corporation to serve as its public relations representative. This opinion leader's function as a company spokesperson at least includes creating community development (CD) initiatives, coordinating CD initiatives with the company, and promoting programs to the community.
KEYWORDS:Community development, palm oil, plantation industry, and opinion leaders
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Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024

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