1Noron C. Somalipao, 2Joharah A. Ampuan
1,2Mindanao State University – Lanao National College of Arts and Trades Marawi City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i09-01Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study aimed to determine the learners’ perspectives on the Multimedia Instructional Materials used in teaching at Marawi City National High School. The study used descriptive method and utilized survey-questionnaires, these contained three parts, first, what is the profile of the respondents, second, the kinds of multimedia instructional materials used in teaching, and third, the implications can be drawn from the findings of the study. Frequency, percentage and weighted mean were used as statistical tools to analyze the data. Upon the retrieval of the instruments, it was directly tabulated and interpreted. The results revealed that 50.00% of the respondents’ ages ranged from 17-19 years old, 60.00% of the respondents were male. Likewise, 64.00% of the respondents agreed PowerPoint Presentation was always used as multimedia instruction. The respondents’ perception on the multimedia instructional materials used in teaching showed the overall mean average of 2.34; standard deviation= 0.91 which mean agreed to all the indicators or the perception given in the questionnaire regarding the use of multimedia instructional materials in teaching. Moreover, the results implied that multimedia instructional materials being used in teaching helped the learners attentively engaged in classroom discussions, it helps learners think critically and supports retain useful information. It is recommended to teachers to always use multimedia instructions to help the learners understand the concept of the topic, increase their interests and motivation, and hold their attention to the classroom discussion.
KEYWORDS:Information and Communication Technology, Perspectives, Multimedia Instructional Materials
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Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024

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