1Deuvelyn H. Lacre, 2Azel M. Valle
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
Multigrade classes hold significant importance in the field of education as they address several critical needs simultaneously. This study sought to determine the levels of classroom management practices and academic performance of learners in multigrade classes and its relationship. It employed a descriptive-correlational research design with documentary analysis. This study utilized a survey questionnaire from TS MPPE (2017) and conducted to Two Hundred Twenty-Four (224) learners in four (4) multigrade schools of Talisayan District, Division of Misamis Oriental. The learners’ average grade for the First and Second Quarter of the School Year 2023-2024 was also used. It employed the Mean and Standard Deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) to ascertain significant relationship between classroom management practices of multigrade classes and learners’ academic performance. Results showed an overall high classroom practice with facilities and resources as very high. Learners have Very Satisfactory average rating for their academic performance. A significant relationship exists between classroom management practices and learners’ academic performance, thus rejecting the null hypothesis. It concluded that the availability of the facilities and resources like technology play a fundamental role in enhancing the academic performance of the learners. Thus, multigrade teachers may sustain the best classroom management practices to maintain if not to reach the highest academic performance of learners while they are in the multigrade classes.
KEYWORDS:Academic Performance, Classroom Management Practices, Learning Environment
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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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