1Rio Rizqi Arlianda, 2Anita Silvianita, 3Mahir Pradana
1,2,3Faculty of Communication and Business, Business Administration Program, Telkom University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-08Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Utility Department is a critical component that helps a company's processes work smoothly. The Utility Department is responsible for a number of activities, such as waste treatment, fuel delivery, and electrical supply units. Considering the significance of this position, the Department must take into account a number of factors, including employee performance, information sharing, and organizational culture. Thus, the purpose of this study is to ascertain and evaluate how organizational culture and information sharing impact workers' performance at PT XYZ's Utility Department. This study employed a quantitative approach using a descriptive research design. Subsequently, 40 employees of PT XYZ's Utility Department participated in the sample, which was conducted utilizing a saturated sampling method and a non-probability sampling technique. Partial least squares based structural equation modelling and descriptive analysis are the methods of data analysis that are employed. The result of this research, we find that organizational culture has a positive impact on employee performance while Knowledge Sharing has no influence on employee performance.
KEYWORDS:Organizational Culture, Knowledge Sharing, Employee Performance
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