Dr. Sumana Samanta Naskar
Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University (Erstwhile WBUTTEPA), 25/2 & 25/3 Ballygunge Circular Road, Kol-700019 West Bengal
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-52Google Scholar Download Pdf
Superstitious-belief has tremendous effects on the advancement and development of society as well as on personal aspects of a person. The light of education not only eradicates superstitious-belief but also influence personal development. The present study aimed to explore the influence and extent of ten-dimensional personality traits in Superstitious Belief of pupil teachers. 420 pupil teachers of different Teacher Educational Institutions of West Bengal were taken as sample. Random Sampling techniques for data collection purpose was chosen. Descriptive survey-based research method by online method via google-form was used to carry out this study. Correlational research design was used to carry out this study. A Standardized Superstitious-Belief Scale by Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Jha & Mr. Ashok Kumar which was further revised by the Researcher and a Standardized Differential Personality Inventory (DPI) by Prof. Arun Kr. Singh & Ashish Kr. Singh were used for this study. The outcome of the present research work reveals that for emotional stability, significant correlation is found with superstitious-belief. Boosting of Emotional Stability of the pupil teacher can eradicate Superstitious-Belief.
KEYWORDS:Superstitious-Belief, Personality Traits, Correlation, Superstitions, Belief, Pupil Teacher
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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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