1Ravi Zamzam Listiyapinto,2Purwadi
1,2Java Language Education Study Program Graduate Program Faculty of Languages, Arts and Culture Yogyakarta State University Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No. 1, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-50Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to explain the use of language styles in the text of Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1. This study employed descriptive qualitative and modern philological research methods. The research data were collected from the manuscript and text of Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1, collection from the British Library, United Kingdom, with the code of MS 12337. The data collection technique used was the philological way of working. Semantic was employed to check the validity, while interrater was employed to check the reliability. The present research indicates three findings. The manuscript description elucidates that the condition of the Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1 manuscript remains good enough, with the text providing clear readability. The investigation reveals that only a limited number of sections of the text exhibited defects, specifically in the transliteration process, in which Javanese character was converted into Latin letters. The translation of the text is carried out by changing the Kawi and Javanese languages to Indonesian to make it more general. Furthermore, the language style used in Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1 is discussed. The linguistic style used is inspired by the rich tradition of the Indonesian language and Javanese culture.
KEYWORDS:Philology, Language Style, Serat Piwulang Hamengkubuwana 1
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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
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