1Jong-Mi Park, 2Dr. Jong-Ok Seok, 3Dr. Jun-Ki Chung
1Doctoral Student, Department of Coaching Psychology, Kwangshin University, 36 Yangsantaekjiso-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju City, South Korea.
2Visiting Professor of Coaching Psychology, Department of Coaching Psychology, Kwangshin University, 36 Yangsantaekjiso-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju City, South Korea.
3Head Researcher, Institute for Pietatis Theologia, Kwangshin University, 36 Yangsantaekjiso-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju City, South Korea.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-48Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper is the continuation of our previous work, “The Spiritual Fruits of Desert Fathers (1).” Our inquiry has explored the spirituality of the Desert Fathers, specifically examining the notion that the emphasis lies not on achieving success but on producing fruitful outcomes by looking at the spirituality of the Desert Fathers about forgiveness, humor, poverty, solitude, and community within the broader context of a fruitful life. The purpose is to convey the spiritual essence of the Desert Fathers to a broad audience, ensuring that it is comprehensible and relatable to ordinary individuals while avoiding the use of intricate theological explanations or contentions.
KEYWORDS:community, Desert Fathers, forgiveness, humor, poverty, solitude
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