1Lailatul Fauziyah, 2Agus Sumhendartin Suryobroto
1,2Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-47Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to: (1) Develop educational learning media physical exercise and health android-based physical fitness material to improve understanding participant educate class VIII School Intermediate First (2) Know eligibility media learning education physical sport and health material freshness physical based android (3) Know effectiveness media learning education physical sport and health Android-based physical fitness material. This research is research and development (R&D) with the ASSURE model (Analyse leaners, State Standards and Objectives, Select Strategies Media and Materials, Utilize Material, Requirements Learner participation, Evaluate and Revise). Validation study done by media experts and material experts. The test subjects in this research were teachers and students. Test the trials carried out include small-scale trials, largescale trials. Collection instrument data use questionnaire. Data which obtained are analyzed use test Paired Samples T-Test and Scale test Likert. The results of this research show (1) Development of educational learning media physical fitness and sports material based on Android through six stages namely Analyze leaners, State Standards and Objectives, Select Strategies Media and Materials, Utilize Material, Requirements Learner participation, Evaluate and Revise. (2) Eligibility media assessed based on: a) Material expert assessment obtained an average score of 4.45 with a percentage of 89% included in the very feasible category, b) The media expert's assessment obtained an average score of 4.44 with participant 8.9% enter in category very worthy, c) Test try scale big participant educate obtained average niali 4.61 with percentage 93.40% enter in category very worthy, d) Test try scale Most teachers obtained an average score of 4.70 with a percentage of 93.80% in the very category worthy. (3) Based on test Paired Samples T-Test obtained mark mean posttest 67.50 > mean pretest 53.83 which means there is an average increase of 25%. This increase is said to be significant Because mark sig (2-tailed) 0,000 < 0.05. With so can concluded that media learning education physical sport and health material freshness physical based android worth using.
KEYWORDS:Android, Development, Freshness Physical, Media Learning
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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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