• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

Improving Customer Engagement of Food and Beverage Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Through E-Commerce and Content Marketing Training
1Fresha Kharisma, 2Ika Diyah Candra Arifah, 3Nanang Hoesen Hidroes Abrori, 4Hafid Kholidi Hadi, 5Muhammad Fachmi, 6Cai Gi
1,2,3,4,5,6Digital Business, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-46

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Over the past five years, the rapid growth of MSMEs in Indonesia has also resulted in many MSMEs going bankrupt. However, this rapid growth of MSMEs is also accompanied by many MSMEs going bankrupt due to mismanagement and low competitiveness caused by the lack of adaptability to business digitalization through e-commerce and product promotion strategies through digital media. Similar problems are also experienced by Food and Beverage MSMEs in Ketintang Village, Surabaya. This drives the importance of increasing competitiveness with more effective business management and digital marketing strategies through community service programs in this area. This community service-based research consists of online store design training activities in e-commerce marketplaces and content marketing with outputs in the form of scientific publications in indexed international journals, publications in the mass media, increasing community understanding and skills, and YouTube videos aimed at improving customer engagement in e-commerce marketplaces. Using the experimental method, this study concluded that SMEs showed a positive perception of the importance of e-commerce in increasing market reach and sales and insight into digital marketing in compiling content marketing that can increase customer engagement for food and beverage products.


SMEs, e-commerce, digital marketing, customer engagement, food and beverage

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6) Hootsuite. 2023. How to Boost Customer Engagement on Social Media. Diakses dari https://hootsuite.com.

7) Deloitte. 2024. Customer Engagement Strategies for SMEs in the Food and Beverage Sector.

8) INSME. 2024. SME digitalization in 2024 – Managing Shocks and Transitions: An OECD Survey. Diakses dari INSME.

9) World Economic Forum. 2024. Digital transformation can unlock SME potential.

10) Ventureburn. 2024. Empowering SMEs in 2024: The Digital Revolution.

11) PC Tech Magazine. 2024. Digitalization is the Key to SME Success in 2024.

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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