1Shiela Mae Enguito Gulay,2Pepa V. Pontillas
1,2Phinma-Cagayan de Oro College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-40Google Scholar Download Pdf
Reading motivation and engagement are crucial factors for developing good literacy skills and fostering a love for reading. This study was conducted to determine the reading motivation and engagement among Grade IV learners. Specifically, sought to answer the level of reading motivation regarding reading efficacy, reading challenge, reading curiosity, aesthetic enjoyment for reading, reading recognition, and reading competition, as well as level of reading engagement in terms of behavioral, affective, cognitive, and social; and the significant relationship between the learners' reading motivation and engagement. In this study the respondents were one hundred sixty-one (161) Grade IV learners of Opol West Districts Schools, Misamis Oriental for the School Year 2023-2024 with a margin of error of 7% using a Slovin’s formula. This study used a patterned and modified questionnaires and employed descriptive design method and simple random sampling to get the appropriate number of respondents in every school. Statistical tools such as means, standard deviation, and Pearson-r were applied to interpret the data on the level and significant relationship between learners reading motivation and engagement. Findings of the study revealed that the respondents have a very high level of reading motivation and high level of reading engagement. There is a positive significant relationship between learners reading motivation and engagement. The study concludes that learners like to challenge themselves to think hard if there were difficult questions and they are proactive in seeking out of meanings of unfamiliar words in books. It recommends that to create a quarterly reading competition activity for learners, assist learners' academic and personal development by encouraging them to participate in regular reading activities and giving them access to a variety of interesting reading materials, and learners need push themselves to read more books and materials, and join book clubs or discussion groups. It is important to emphasize the reading motivation and engagement for educational improvement as it illuminates the current state of learners reading deficiency.
KEYWORDS:reading motivation, reading engagement
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