1Johan Sahetapy,2Tien Siamando,3Troutye Rotti,4Ilke Moniung,5Mercy Mantau
1,2,3,4,5Faculty of Humanity, Sam Ratulangi University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-04Google Scholar Download Pdf
Various seafood items, such as octopus, fish, shrimp, lobsters, mussels, scallops, oysters, and others, are commonly displayed on ice. Popular seafood items like salmon, lobster, and shrimp are often collectively called "seafood." Although previous studies have explored the lyrics of Manado songs extensively, there remains a notable lack of research specifically focused on traditional Minahasan food names within these songs. The research utilizes a qualitative approach, specifically a phenomenological method, within an ethnographic research framework. The analysis aims to evaluate the frequency and preferences of international tourists regarding Minahasan cuisine. The research employs a combination of observation, participant observation, and interviews to gather data. Manado City and Minahasa Regency informants are selected using purposive sampling for interviews and observations. This perspective is supported by evidence showing that some communities can effectively engage with various forces. The finding show that the vocabulary of traditional Minahasa food names in Manado songs includes various types of Dabu-Dabu, such as Dabu-Dabu Biasa, Dabu-Dabu Lilang, Dabu-Dabu Iris, Dabu-Dabu Lemong, Dabu-Dabu Roa, Dabu-Dabu Cakalang, Dabu-Dabu Bakasang, and Dabu-Dabu Lompa. These terms illustrate the rich and intricate culinary diversity of Minahasa, showcasing the depth of local culture. Secondly, the meanings of these food names in Manado songs go beyond their literal definitions, serving as homonyms with social, cultural, and economic implications. These meanings highlight the profound relationship between food and Minahasa identity, underscoring food’s role as a symbol and essential element of their daily life and cultural traditions.
KEYWORDS:Minahasa, Traditional Food, Song
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