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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

Learning Environment in a Pandemic
Gennevie Mae C. Fernando
College of Graduate Studies, Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-35

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The effectiveness of the learning paradigm shifted due to the outbreak of COVID-19 on the learning achievement of the Grade 9 students of Santa Maria National High School for the school year 2021-2022. This evaluated how learner characteristics, teacher’s assessment of the students, resources, and learner support or e-learning affected the performance in mathematics besides the student profiles and learning environment. The research study used a descriptive-correlational design. A two-part questionnaire was used to collect data from 211 students’ responses. Findings showed that most of the learners were from poor backgrounds in terms of financial status, and used smartphones in their learning. The learning environment was considered average, and the frequency of e-learning and resource usage was less. Mathematics performance was satisfactory. Statistically significant relationships were established between students’ characteristics classroom contexts, and mathematics achievement. The study concludes that there is a need to improve the support for students which entails provision of resources, learning environment, and e-learning. More studies on the various learning scenarios during the pandemic are encouraged.


Learning Environment, Learners’ Characteristics, E-Learning, Pandemic Learning, Learning Achievement, Teachers’ Assessment

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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