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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

Leadership Styles of School Heads: Impact on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction
1Angel May L. Mariano, 2Richard M. Oco
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-34

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This study was undertaken to determine the level of leadership styles of public school heads in terms of strategic, transformational, situational, servant and instructional Leadership; to determine the level of teachers’ job satisfaction in terms of compensation and benefits, social relationship and work environment; to find the significant relationship between leadership styles of public school heads and teachers’ job satisfaction; and to identify the independent variables singly or in combination that impact/s teachers’ job satisfaction. The study was conducted at Jasaan North District, Division of Misamis Oriental to one hundred thirty-four (134) teachers as actual respondents through stratified random sampling. The study employed a descriptive- correlational and causal design, which included a quantitative approach through an adapted and modified questionnaire. The study used mean and standard deviation, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis to find the relationships among the variables and the most impactful variable/s. The results showed that the school heads’ leadership style was at very high extent especially on strategic leadership style. The teachers’ job satisfaction was at satisfied level. A significant low to moderate correlation with transformational and instructional leadership styles having great impact on teachers’ job satisfaction. Thus, school heads may continue to develop and uphold their skills in practicing leadership styles and give more explicit strategies to support teachers’ professional growth, to increase teachers’ compensation and benefits for teachers to attain job satisfaction.


Job satisfaction, leadership styles, school heads, teachers

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