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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

Utilization of Information and Communication Technology and 21st Century Skills
1Marecel E. Krawczyk, 2Melinda M. Garabato
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-32

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Learning has now become beyond the four corners of the classroom. Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enhances learning which students may either develop the 21st Century skills or otherwise. This study aimed to determine the relationship between utilization of ICT and 21st Century skills of students of East 1 District, Division of Gingoog City for SY 2023-2024. Specifically, this study sought to determine the extent of ICT utilization in terms of learning activities, and perceived impact; the level of 21st Century skills of students in terms of learning skill, creative thinking skill, collaborative skill, communication skill, and technological skills. This study employed descriptive correlational research design and utilized a researcher-made questionnaire for the ICT utilization and adapted and modified questionnaire for the 21st Century skills to 293 respondents who were selected through Slovin’s Formula. Mean, Standard Deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were used to analyze the data. Results revealed that students’ ICT utilization is at high extent. Students’ 21st Century skills are developed specially the collaboration skill. There is a weak positive correlation between the extent of students’ ICT utilization and 21st Century skill. Thus, promoting digital literacy programs to teach students how to effectively use ICT tools, evaluate online information, and understand digital ethics may be emphasized.


ICT Utilization, Impact of ICT, Twenty-First Century Skills

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