1Rocel Marie A. Gelera, 2Kristine T. Soberano, PhD, 3Benjamin Angelo M. Jacob
1Iloilo Science and Technology University - Miagao Campus, Iloilo, Philippines
2MIT Department, State University of Northern Negros, Sagay City, Philippines
3STI West Negros University, Bacolod City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
Determining students' level of ICT proficiency is essential for efficient teaching and learning in the modern higher education setting. This study examines the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology first-year students' digital ability while taking into account the variety of experiences that have shaped their technology aptitude. A survey approach was used to collect data including observations, in order to fully investigate students' technology skills and learning preferences. The results shed light on the range of digital fluency among first-year students, taking into account individual interests, educational backgrounds, and socioeconomic background. Additionally, this study explores the digital learning materials that students prefer, offering insights into their attitudes and practices around the use of technology in the classroom. This study adds to the current conversation on promoting digital fluency in higher education by using qualitative data.
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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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