Truong Thi Linh
Thu Dau Mot University
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The research addresses a notable gap in the literature, as previous studies have primarily focused on academic achievement rather than student satisfaction. The key research questions investigate the factors influencing student satisfaction, including the roles of teachers, students, and families. The research employed a quantitative method, utilizing SPSS software for data analysis. The data was collected through surveys administered to students in selected primary schools. The results highlighted several critical findings: teacher quality, teaching methods, and communication skills, significantly impacted student satisfaction. Student factors, such as interest and engagement in the subject, were also crucial. Additionally, family involvement and support played a pivotal role in shaping students' attitudes toward learning Vietnamese. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of a supportive learning environment facilitated by skilled teachers and engaged families. The findings suggest that improving these factors could enhance students' satisfaction and overall experience with the Vietnamese language subject, ultimately contributing to better educational outcomes in Binh Duong province.
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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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