1Candice Faye L. Cabunoc, 2Roie M. Ubayubay
1,2PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-14Google Scholar Download Pdf
Technology integration in education transforms teaching and learning by improving efficiency, accessibility, and student participation in the classroom. This study examines the teachers' profile, competency, and barriers that influence the use of ICT between public school teachers in Tagoloan East and West Districts during the School Year 2023–2024. Specifically, the study sought to determine the respondents’ level of competency in the ICT domain and the barriers to using ICT. This study involved two hundred thirty-six (236) respondents from the public elementary and secondary schools of Tagoloan District using the Slovins formula. It used the descriptive research design and an adapted and modified survey questionnaire to collect data. The descriptive correlational method was used to evaluate the samples with statistical analysis including standard deviation, frequency, percentage, mean scores, and Pearson r correlation. The findings showed that teachers' ICT ability is significantly influenced by age, teaching experience, and attitude, and there is a notable relationship between ICT skills and barriers related to manpower, policy, and facilities. Further, enhancing teachers' ICT competence through advanced technology training and effective integration methods aims to provide proficient educational experiences for 21st-century learners and improve teaching professionalism and efficacy. It is concluded that teachers face challenges in implementing ICT policies, including limited resources, reluctance to change, technological issues, and inadequate training. Factors like age, experience, and attitude influence these barriers. Additionally, it is recommended that schools should train proficient teachers as ICT experts to assist in incorporating technology into classroom teaching. This expert should provide ongoing support and training through mentoring programs. Teachers with limited technology experience are encouraged to improve their ICT integration skills, ensuring they can adapt to current trends and provide advanced educational experiences in the 21st century.
KEYWORDS:ICT competency domain and teachers’ barrier in ICT
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