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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

Teachers’ Classroom Management and Students’ Performance
1Windelyn S. Paulines, 2Rosalinda C. Tantiado
1Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
2Department of Education, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i08-10

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Efficient classroom management can bolster students' motivation to attend school regularly, therefore enhancing their academic performance. This study investigated the degree to which teachers’ classroom management in terms of modeling behavior, assessment practices, and learning atmosphere. Furthermore, it investigated the relationship between teachers' ability to manage their classrooms and students' academic performance. This study employed a descriptive-correlational research methodology, which involved analyzing documents and administering a questionnaire designed by the researcher. The study was conducted with a sample size of 143 teachers from the East 2 District in the Cagayan de Oro City Division. The teachers were selected by the use of the Stratified Random Sampling approach, which involved the application of Slovin's Formula. The students' grades for the first and second quarters of the School Year 2023-2024 were also considered. Evidence suggests that teachers routinely apply classroom management techniques. The modeling behavior and learning atmosphere are extensively nurtured and given priority. Most students are at the level of Very Satisfactory in their academic performance. There exists a moderate positive correlation between the effectiveness of teachers' classroom management and the academic performance of students. Teachers can act as good role models for students in a supportive learning environment, which can help to cultivate students' motivation to attend school and improve their academic performance.


Academic Performance, Assessment, Classroom Management

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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