1Anastasia Adellya Putri Witjaksono, 2Irwan Bagyo Santoso
1,2Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Department of Environmental Engineering
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i07-67Google Scholar Download Pdf
Clean water is an essential necessity for all life forms. With rapid urbanization, the demand for water is increasing while water resources are diminishing, necessitating the exploration of alternative water sources. Communities often resort to river water, which is increasingly contaminated due to daily domestic activities, thereby necessitating water treatment for safe consumption. To address this, the government has established Regional Drinking Water Companies (PDAM) and Drinking Water Supply Systems (SPAM) to convert raw water into potable water. Part of the effort to supply potable water was the construction of Long Storage Kalimati in Sidoarjo Regency, however its utilization remains suboptimal, with several areas still relying on groundwater despite its deteriorating quality. This study investigates community willingness to pay for PDAM services and transition to potable water sourced from Long Storage Kalimati. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Logistic regression analysis revealed that certain occupations and higher income levels tend to increase willingness to pay for PDAM, while increased utility expenses correlate with greater willingness. High bottled water consumption increases the desire to switch to drinking water because it reduces dependence on bottled water. To enhance community acceptance, author recommends improving water treatment processes, educating residents about water contaminants, providing government subsidies, and implementing supportive regulations. These strategies aim to improve access to clean water and enhance community health and well-being.
KEYWORDS:dam, drinking water, raw water, willingness to pay
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Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024

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