Department of Dance Education, Faculty of Languages, Arts and Cultures, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
Implementation of problem-based-learning in dance education have not simple. Provide an overview of the lesson problem-based-learning and describe the specific features that define this teaching model. Describe the theoretical basis of the model problem-based-learning and summarizes the research supporting its use. Explains how to plan and use the problem based learning model, including how to adapt its use to students with different abilities and backgrounds (Arends: 2008). Describe how to implement a learning environment that is conducive to use problem-based-learning. Describe appropriate ways to address student learning in accordance with objectives problem-based-learning. Specify regarding usage restrictions problem-based-learning and make predictions about its future use. Several aspects in the art of dance can be used as a problem, which students seek to find a solution to, namely: movement, accompaniment/music, floor patterns, make-up, fashion, property. Students are given the task in groups to discuss and explain selected aspects of a regional dance. Another example, students discuss making floor patterns in regional dance, with a predetermined number of dancers. Problems of movement, accompaniment, floor patterns, make-up and clothing can be used as problematic topics in the art of dance.
KEYWORDS:Problem-Based Learning, Dance Education, and Teaching Model
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Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024

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