Phan Nhan Trung
Thu Dau Mot University, Vietnam
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In the context of globalization and continuous progress of the fourth industrial revolution, digital economic development has become an inevitable trend and urgent need. The digital economy not only creates new business and job opportunities but also enhances national competitiveness and promotes sustainable development. Recognizing this importance, the Vietnamese Government has implemented many policies and management methods to promote the building of a digital economy. According to a report by the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam, the digital economy is expected to contribute 20-30% of GDP by 2030. To achieve this goal, the application of effective economic state management methods is a prerequisite. These methods include building an appropriate legal framework, deploying advanced digital infrastructure, developing high-quality human resources and promoting public-private cooperation in the field of information technology. Research on the use of state management methods to build a digital economy in Vietnam has high practical significance, helping to identify challenges and opportunities, thereby proposing specific solutions to promote effective and sustainable digital transformation.
KEYWORDS:digital economy; digital transformation; State management; Vietnam economy.
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Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024

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