1Ahmad Muflih Anshory, 2Sumarjo
1,2Faculty of Sport and Health Center, Yogyakarta State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i07-41Google Scholar Download Pdf
Motor motion control is the control of motor motion that needs to be trained from an early age. Motion is basically often done by humans from infancy, namely by crawling. When the child's motor movements are not trained since childhood, there will be delays that prevent the child from moving at the right age. This research aims to determine the influence of traditional games on children's motor motion control. This type of research is literature review research or literature research. The data obtained by the researcher is the result of research that has been researched by previous researchers and this research was obtained from Google Scholar. The result of this literature review is that traditional games have a good influence on children's motor control movements
KEYWORDS:Child movement, Litteratur view, Motor motion, Tradional games,
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Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024
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