1Kristoforus Nono Koba, 2Fatkurahman Arjuna, 3Eggy Nur Arfiansyah, 4Swandika Pinem, 5Surya Rihadi Wicaksono, 6Fauza Asa Habiburrahman
1,2,3,4,5,6Departement of Sports Science, Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i07-33Google Scholar Download Pdf
Cricket is a sport played by hitting the ball with a bat and running to exchange positions to get points, which is played on an oval-shaped field. Cricket requires good physical conditions such as speed. Plyometric and ladder drill training methods are training methods that can increase speed. This study aimed to examine the effect of plyometric and ladder drill training on the speed of cricket athletes in terms of leg power. This research uses a 2x2 factorial experimental method. The population of this study was 45 cricket athletes from the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The research sample consisted of 24 cricket athletes who were taken using a purposive sampling technique and then carried out ordinal pairing to divide the groups. The data collection technique uses pretest and posttest, the test instrument used to measure speed is a 30 m sprint and the agility instrument is the T-Test. The data analysis technique uses two-way ANOVA with a significance level of 0.05. The research results show that (1) there is a significant difference in influence between plyometric training and ladder drill training on the speed of female cricket athletes. The plyometric training group experienced an increase in speed of 4.67, better than ladder drill training, namely 4.86, with a posttest average difference of 0.19. (2) there is a significant difference in influence between cricket athletes who have high and low leg power on speed. Cricket athletes who have high leg power experience an increase in speed of 4.64, which is better than cricket athletes who have low leg power, namely 4.89 with a posttest average difference of 4.25. (3) There is no interaction between plyometric and ladder drill training and leg power on speed
KEYWORDS:Plyometrics, ladder drill, agility, cricket athletes
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Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024

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